

Business Process

Business process is at the heart of value creation.

Processes are often formed or modified “on-demand”.  Over time, haphazardly-developed processes solidify into doctrine.  In some cases, the actual process by which the work should be done, and the metrics defining success are not documented.

Transparent Analysis will work with your teams to understand business process challenges, opportunities for improvement, and the factors that define success for your clients.  Together, we’ll document current state, then design and implement future processes.

Project Management

World-class talent is required to meet your professional goals.  What if that talent were available on demand?

With a highly-utilized staff, it can be hard to find resources with the right mix of availability and experience to take on critical new projects.

Our consultants work with your teams and third-parties to professionally  manage your initiatives.  This makes world-class talent available on demand, and keeps your staff working in their areas of expertise, where they can drive greatest value for your customers.


Strategic and Financial Analysis

Evolution of your business is required.  How do you frame strategic alternatives?

Strategic decision-making requires a creative, but realistic view of options, and the costs and benefits associated.  Entrepreneurs and industry experts are well-placed to define the options, but often need third-party, confidential support to deliver the data-driven analysis necessary to make a final decision.

Transparent Analysis consultants work with your leadership to develop a decision framework, and build a fully descriptive financial case around each potential option.

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